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The firm includes lawyers and certified specialist lawyers admitted in Germany, a certified auditor, tax advisors, and commercial mediators. The Attorney-at-Law (USA) provides advice in regard to the laws of the USA, the certified specialist lawyer in regard to International Commercial Law.

Beyond the mere addition of separate areas of expertise, we offer interdisciplinary solutions. These are consolidated and coordinated based on broad knowledge, result from many years of experience in practice and legal science, of strategic orientation, and synergistically emerge from a single source.

Our communication follows a clear focus: comprehensible for clients, precise in court.

What distinguishes us?

Accomplished litigators with expertise from countless lawsuits nationwide for over 40 years.

No civil law without a tax perspective. No tax advice without civil and procedural law.
No legal advice without a strategic approach.
No litigation without foresight. No mandate without experience.

We provide a high level of legal services, are always creative, and are resilient in the protection of the client's economic interests.

The sustainability of our client relationships.

Our awards:

WWL Ranking Recommended
2012 bis 2020

seit 2016

Recognized since: 2014.
Recognized in International Arbitration


DITGES is committed to corporate sustainable responsibility through the association Verein Kinderhilfe Armenien e.V. Employees, while partners of the firm support this association.
It promotes youth welfare, education, and the training of disadvantaged children in Armenia, as well as in destitute circumstances elsewhere.


Das Berufsbild der Kanzlei ist interprofessionell, Rechtsanwälte, Fachanwälte, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsmediatoren. Der Attorney-at-Law
erschließt das Recht der USA, der Fachanwalt das Internationale Wirtschaftsrecht.

Über die Addition getrennter Fachbereiche hinaus bieten wir interdisziplinäre Gesamtlösungen – konsolidiert und abgestimmt auf Basis breiten Wissens, langjähriger Erfahrung in Praxis und Wissenschaft und strategischer Orientie-rung, synergetisch aus einem Guss und einer Hand.

Our communication follows a clear focus: comprehensible for clients, precise in court.

What distinguishes us?

Geübte Prozessführung Expertise aus zahllosen Prozessen, bundesweit, seit über 40 Jahren.

No civil law without a tax perspective. No tax advice without civil and procedural law.
No legal advice without a strategic approach.
No litigation without foresight. No mandate without experience.

Rechtlich auf hohes Niveau, stets kreativ, und in nachhaltiger Wahrung der wirtschaftlichen Interessen des Mandanten.

The sustainability of our client relationships.

Our awards:

WWL Ranking Recommended
2012 bis 2020

seit 2016

Recognized since: 2014.
Recognized in International Arbitration


In nachhaltiger unternehmerischer Gesamtverantwortung engagiert sich DITGES über den Verein Kinderhilfe Armenien e.V. Der wird von Mitarbeitern der Kanzlei getragen.
It promotes youth welfare, education, and the training of disadvantaged children in Armenia, as well as in destitute circumstances elsewhere.


International Commercial Law

Company Succession and Acquisition

Commercial and Corporate Law

Advice for Professionals

Inheriting. Bequeathing. Taxation.

Professional Liability Law