Home / News / Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges reappointed as Co-Chair to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section

Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges reappointed as Co-Chair to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section

Our partner Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges has been reappointed as Co-Chair to the International Mediation Committee of the ABA International Law Section.  She will provide guidance and support the Committee during the 2023-2024 term. Previously, Prof. Dr. Dendorfer-Ditges also served as Senior Advisor of the International Mediation Committee.

The objectives of the prestigious International Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) are to promote research in and the development of international law; to increase the knowledge of members of the legal profession and the general public; to foster professional relations with lawyers similarly engaged in foreign countries; and to implement the Association’s Goal IV – „To advance the rule of law in the world“.

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GbR mit Grundbesitz – Auf ins Gesellschaftsregister?

Die Rede ist von der „eGbR“, der eingetragenen Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts. Denn das am 01.01.2024 in Kraft getretene Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts (MoPeG) ermöglicht einer GbR, sich in das neu geschaffene Gesellschaftsregister eintragen zu lassen (§ 707 BGB).

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